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I am of Melanesian/Polynesian/Asian descent born in Lae, Papua New Guinea at ANGAU Memorial Hospital.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

BLOGs I am following in regards to PNG

To be continued...(last update Wednesday, 21 September 2011) - I am aware needs to be tidied up a bit.

Well now the new PNG Government is on Facebook here is Post Link New Papua New Guinea Government in regards to them.  For those of you who are into politics and want to keep updated.

When I first created this Post I had not been in PNG for 14 years, but the opportunity presented itself, which you can read in this Blog Post on this link Visited PNG After 14 Years But Headed To Kokoda, Oro Province.

So now I have first hand experience about the situation over there and about travelling over there .  Which I will give up to date information on in regards to vaccinations and immunisation and how they do things in PNG in regards to these.  I prefer to experience things myself because I am over people carrying on about danger and so forth in PNG, when there are other countries in the world that are more dangerous than PNG.  For example if you read your Travel Insurance properly you will see that most will say they will not cover you if you travel to Afghanistan and such places.  I have inserted one Travel insurance web link just to give you an idea of what I am talking about.

For those of you who really want to know about the current the situation in PNG at the moment. I recommend you click on to the following  two PNG based Journalist Blogs:

Malum Nalu Blogspot - Malum Nalu

Geoffrey Heard's Pngtimetraveller Blogspot - Geoffrey Heard

Other Blogs that might be of interest

Keith Jackson's PNG Attitude

Melanesian Way Blog

Papua New Guinea Blogs

Expat-blog - Blog written by expatriates in Papua New Guinea, living in Papua New Guinea, working in Papua New Guinea.

Papua New Guinea Life - Story from a Volunteer called NOMAD - An old Blog but interesting from someone who did Volunteer Work over there...

University Of California Press Blog on Papua New Guinea

Click on their Blogs and read all about them and I will probably add other Bloggers later on when I find them.  Otherwise just type in Papua New Guinea Blogs in Google/Bling (whatever search engine you use) and it will bring up all these Blogs you can read.

Other PNG Bloggers for those of you interested in Children's Charity Organisations you can look to your right and under Pages Home click on the link Papua New Guinea Charity Organisation of the 21st Century

Papua New Guinea and South Pacific/Asia Others - Current Charity Organisations of the 21st Century

In the mean time below is a Blog on one of the Children's Charity Organisation in PNG:

Tembari Children's Care (TCC) - Tembari Children's Care (TCC)  Inc -
THE Tembari Children's Care (TCC) Inc is a day care facility at ATS Oro Settlement, 7-Mile, outside of Port Moresby, PNG. To date, it takes care of 175 former street children - orphans, abandoned and the unfortunate - by serving them meals twice a day, and providing them early education. Assistance - food and money - is sent by supporters who find merit in the services we provide to these children. At The Center, they are family. For all of these, we need support that is sustainable.

Please bear in mind that this BLOG is updated once or twice on a weekly basis or more. 

Disclaimer:  I accept no responsibility or liability of any loss to any incorrect or out dated information some of these websites may contain.  The most accurate up to date information at the time known to me is inserted in these pages.  It is the responsibility of the individual to do their own research in their own time.  This is just a guide to assist people in giving them as much information as I possibly can to assist them in preparing for a trip to PNG or wanting to learn about PNG.  My views and opinions and experiences will not exactly reflect other peoples' views and opinions and experiences. 
This material is copyright © Wendy J. Seymour 2011 - Exempt the hyperlinks they are from the World Wide Web (WWW)

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