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I am of Melanesian/Polynesian/Asian descent born in Lae, Papua New Guinea at ANGAU Memorial Hospital.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mountains and Volcanoes of Papua New Guinea

To be continued (Last update Mon, 11 Apr 11)

At this stage I am only inserting the Wikipedia hyperlinks  and John Search's PNG volcanoes as I am sure if you want to know anything further about these mountains and volcanoes just Google them or Bing which ever search engine you prefer.  I do recommend though that  you go to the library and read books on these too.  Never give up on the books and other reading materials as the internet may not necessarily cover everything that you really want to know.

In the mean time if you want to know more about PNG please look to your right and see under Pages and Home the link Papua New Guinea (PNG) - All the specific travel information you need to know

Last of all click on the Post BLOGS I Am Following In Regards To PNG.  They are BLOGs from people who actually live in PNG and can tell you first hand of their experiences there.  I currently reside in the Northern Territory in Australia and the last time I was in PNG was in back in 1997, but for 12 days only in Port Moresby.  I still how ever know a hell of a lot more about the country than those who had lived there longer than me, and it may be because I had an interest in knowing about the country of my birth and heritage whilst studying Tourism for two years and retained the memory of the place when I left and may be a longing of belonging.


Mt Wilhelm - The highest mountain in PNG

Mt Giluwe - The 2nd highest mountain in PNG in the Southern Highlands Province


I have since found a website that seems to cover all the Volcanoes in Papua New Guinea.  Feel free to click on to Papua New Guinea Volcanoes - John Search - Papua New Guinea contains the most active volcanoes in the South West Pacific. The volcanoes stretch in an arc from the north coast of New Guinea near the border with Indonesia, to Bougainville Island in the east. Volcanoes in Papua New Guinea occur in nine volcanic provinces.  I think I have found all of PNG's volcanoes on this website alone.  Feel free to correct me though if there is more.

Mt Hagan - Had no idea Mt Hagan is the 2nd highest Volcano how embarassing that it's taken me 42 years to learn this.

Ambitle - New Ireland Province

Balbi - North Solomon Province, Bouganville Island

Baluan - Admiralty Islands, Manus Province

Bamus - East New Britain Province

Billy Mitchell - North Solomon Province, Bouganville Island

Bogana - North Solomon Province, Bouganville Island

Bokanovi - North Solomon Province, Bouganville Island

Bola - Mt Wangore, West New Britain Province

Bosavi - Southern Highlands Province

Crater Mountain - Eastern Highlands Province

Dakataua - West New Britain Province

Doma Peaks - Southern Highlands Province

Hargy - East New Britain Province

Hydrographers Range - Oro Province

Koranga - Central Province

Langila - West New Britain Province

Lihir - New Ireland Province

Lolobau - East New Britain Province

Loloru - North Solomon Province, Bouganville Island


Managlase Plateau

Musa River -

Mount Lamington - In the Oro Province

Rabaul - East New Britain Province

Ritter Island - Dampier Strait, Morobe Province

Sakar - Morobe Province


Tanga - New Ireland Province

Takuan - North Solomon Province, Bouganville Island

Tavui - East New Britain Province

Tore - North Solomon Province, Bouganville Island

Tulaman - St Andrew Strait, Admiralty Islands, Manus Province

Ulawun - East New Britain Province

Umboi  - Morobe Province



Yelia - Eastern Highlands Province

Unnamed Volcanes - their names unknow in accodardance with John Search

Unnamed Volcanoe - Admiralty Islands, Manus Province

Please free free to add your comments, expert opinions, advice.  Others might like to know.

Disclaimer:  I accept no responsibility or liability of any loss to any incorrect or out dated information some of these websites may contain.  The most accurate up to date information at the time known to me is inserted in these pages.  It is the responsibility of the individual to do their own research in their own time.  This is just a guide to assist people in giving them as much information as I possibly can to assist them in preparing for a trip to PNG or wanting to learn about PNG.  My views and opinions and experiences will not exactly reflect other peoples' views and opinions and experiences.
This material is copyright © Wendy J. Seymour 2011 - Exempt the hyperlinks they are from the World Wide Web (WWW)

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